Reflections on Building Relationships

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



On my way back home from my project site for a business trip, I made a stop at the Libecity Iwate Office to attend a farewell party for a member who is relocating due to a company transfer.



The members in Iwate are just as pleasant as those in Miyagi. It was my first time seeing the office so bustling with activity, and I was eager to engage with many people there.



However, I also gained insights into building relationships during the party. One attendee advised me not to blindly trust other members simply because they are friendly, and cautioned against getting too close to them.



It became apparent that some of them have encountered difficulties or maintained a certain distance from certain members.



While Libecity is undoubtedly a wonderful community, I understand the importance of not becoming too deeply immersed in it.



To be continued.


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