Remote Participation in the Project Management Study Session

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



The party last night was awesome. Today, I attended the monthly project management study session from my hotel in Iwate.



Even though I was invited to join the session from my friend’s place, I had to participate remotely from Iwate because the business trip had been planned in advance.



During the session, I got to hear about tasks I’m interested in executing at my next company, such as net present value and mood board. Every session provides valuable insights for me.



Additionally, the members are all welcoming, and I don’t feel any difficulty participating in the discussions. I actually enjoy the sessions; they feel more like casual chats to me.



Each session also exposes me to new vocabulary, which is stimulating. While I won’t be able to attend next month’s session due to riding a cruise train, I’m already looking forward to the one in two months.



To be continued.


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