Learning from Mistakes: Improving Document Quality in Project Development

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



While preparing documents for an upcoming business trip at the office yesterday, the branch manager approached me.



He brought up the Application for Permission to Use Public Property, which I had recently submitted to the city office. He had approved the application two days prior, and I had received comments from the city office about setting the surface right agreement by the prefecture for the requested area.



The manager acknowledged that our information was accurate, as it was based on the cadastral map verified by the government. However, he pointed out that the municipal had rejected it due to the quality of the application I had prepared.



In response, I explained that I had used a previous application as a template, which had been submitted to other municipalities and was created by our colleagues. He noted that the previous application wasn’t well done.



Since I lack experience in dealing with governmental matters and creating real estate-related documents, I have limited insight into the required standards and quality. I’m learning as I go. I believe seeking guidance from the branch manager to enhance my skills and proficiency in project development is crucial.



To be continued.


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