Setting a Timeline for FIRE: A New Focus on Swift Financial Independence

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I was advised by an individual I met at the Liberal Arts City office to establish a deadline for achieving FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early).



As he pointed out, I haven’t yet set a specific timeline for my goal.



The reason behind this absence of a timeframe is my estimation that achieving FIRE might take up to a decade if I maintain my current lifestyle.



Conversely, I’ve been dedicated to early financial savings and enhancing my market value. Now, I’ve had a change of heart and aspire to achieve FIRE as swiftly as possible.



Before setting the deadline, I need to assess how much I can expedite my progress. I’ll contemplate how many months earlier I intend to reach my goal. Naturally, I wish I could achieve FIRE immediately, but I’m aware that’s not feasible. Hence, I’m tentatively considering a goal of achieving FIRE within the next 5 years.



To be continued.


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