Kindergarten Interview and Last-Minute Meeting Change
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は入園予定の幼稚園の面接。My wife and I had an interview with the kindergarten that...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は入園予定の幼稚園の面接。My wife and I had an interview with the kindergarten that...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は久しぶりの出社である。I worked at the office for the first time in a while. 朝一、サ...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は敬老の日で休みである。It was a national holiday for Elderly Day. 昨日と同じく、まずは路面電車に...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 新しく開業した路面電車に乗ってきた。I took a tram that had recently started operating in m...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 先輩との電気の勉強会、発電所の収支計算の仕方を教えてもらった。During a regular study session with my se...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は出張帰りに転職オフ会 in 仙台である。I stopped by the Liberal Arts City Sendai Office ...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は地元のお祭りがあり、見学するため少し早めに仕事を切り上げた。I finished my work a little earlier to ...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日はサウナでお会いした方々との一献。I had drinks with my friends who joined me at the sau...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日からいよいよ出張のスタート。早速、朝から区長さん、地権者さん回り。Today marks the first day of this bus...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は3週間ぶりの出張である。というのも、ホテルが取れず出張ができなかった。I'm going on a business trip for t...