A Budget-Friendly Feast: Enjoying Good Food with Great Colleagues
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 昨日の3人、退職する方とアシスタントの3人で飲み会に行ってきた。I had drinks with the same colleagues I ...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 昨日の3人、退職する方とアシスタントの3人で飲み会に行ってきた。I had drinks with the same colleagues I ...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は、同僚といっしょにラーメンを食べてきた。I had lunch with a colleague today. ランチの前後で打合せが入っ...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日はツインリンクもてぎのサーキットクルーズに参加。I participated in a circuit cruise at Twin Rin...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 昨日のリベ活の後は、新しく地元にできるマンションのギャラリーにお邪魔してきた。After visiting the Libe City Offi...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 昨日の台風にて、リベ活ができなかったので、朝イチからリベシティオフィスに行ってきた。Due to yesterday's typhoon, I ...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 台風接近に伴い、会社指示でのリモートワーク。Due to the approaching typhoon, my company asked u...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は、社内の別チームで仕事をしている人との出張。I went on a business trip with a colleague from...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 出社して朝一番に支社長に呼ばれた。My country manager called me into his office first thin...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 最近、食べる量がガツンと減った。絶対に勘違いではない。My appetite has significantly decreased recen...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 休みを取ってのリベ活。甲府に行ってほうとうを食べる会に参加してきた。I took a day off to join a meetup and ...