Gratitude and Farewells: A Session and Unexpected Goodbyes
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日から現地入り。今回の出張の目的は出前授業を行うことである。I'm currently on a business trip starting...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日から現地入り。今回の出張の目的は出前授業を行うことである。I'm currently on a business trip starting...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 週末から一気に冷えてきた。It's gradually getting colder, especially since last weeken...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は、支社長との1on1セッションだった。I had a one-on-one session with my branch manager....
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は長男の3歳の七五三の祝いに近くの神社でお参りをしてきた。We visited the shrine for his 3-year Shic...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は、今度新しく取引したい会社へ訪問して、PJ概要と依頼したい内容を伝えてきた。I visited the office of a new s...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日はオフィスマネージャーのお姉さんとランチに行ってきた。I had lunch with the female office manager ...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日はエジプトのメンバー5人での飲み会である。I had drinks with five of my former colleagues fr...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は、会社のオフィスマネージャーにお願いをして、今度の出前授業で行う発表の予行練習に付き合ってもらった。I asked my colleagu...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. せっかく会議を減らすように提案したにも関わらず、会議がドンドン増えていく。Even though I suggested reducing th...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今朝、遅くまで寝ていると妹から電話が。どうやら今日の昼に兄が実家にくるらしい。I received a phone call from my s...