Refreshing Conversations Over Drinks: Finding Common Ground in Work Struggles
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は、一緒にPMを務めるメンバーとの飲み。ようはガス抜きである。I had drinks with a colleague, also a p...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は、一緒にPMを務めるメンバーとの飲み。ようはガス抜きである。I had drinks with a colleague, also a p...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は、以前勤めていた会社に、業務をお願いできないか相談に行ってきた。I visited my former workplace to disc...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は、仕事を辞める決定的な事件が起きた。I experienced a decisive incident today that solidi...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 昨日のオフ会でおもしろいことを聞いた。I received advice from one of the attendees at yester...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 出張からの帰り、リベシティ仙台オフィス主査のクリスマス会に参加してきた。I attended a Christmas party on my w...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は、サウナメンバーとの忘年会。I attended the year-end party with the sauna members. 仕...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日で一通り、関係者への挨拶回りができた。It seems like I've completed my round of year-end g...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 地元の人々に挨拶をする中で、当社への風車建設への期待もさることながら、わたし自身に対する期待も大きくなっていることを感じた。I've notic...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は、サイト内に入っての測量調査に行ってきた。I went into the mountains to conduct a location ...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日から今年最後の現場出張である。I'm embarking on my final business trip to the site of ...