A Surprise Encounter at station
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 先週末、子供と電車を見に行く途中、外国人の友達に声をかけられた。When I was at Omiya Station with my son ...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 先週末、子供と電車を見に行く途中、外国人の友達に声をかけられた。When I was at Omiya Station with my son ...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 一昨日のちゃんこ鍋オフ会の続き。Today’s topic is a continuation of my reflections from a...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は子供の誕生日。Today was my son’s birthday. たまたま幼稚園も秋休みだったので、わたしも休みを取った。なにがした...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 最近行けてなかったけど、今日は、いつも通り、午前中は子供と電車を見てきた。午前中は、家族との時間にあてられたので、とてもいい感じ。Althoug...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. リベ会、相撲部屋のちゃんこ鍋を食べるオフ会に参加してきた。I attended a meet-up to eat hot pot made by...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日はリベ友と晩ごはんをいっしょに食べてきた。I had dinner with my friend from Libe City. 実際に会う...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は1社目の海外事業部でお世話になった先輩との食事。I had dinner with my former senior colleague ...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 久しぶりのリモートワーク。おそらく1か月以上ぶり。This was my first time working from home in a w...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日は子供の運動会。The sports festival at my son's kindergarten was held today. 雨...
You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 変電メーカー企業との転職面接。I had my first-round job interview with a substation faci...