カテゴリー: 英語日記

A Surprise Encounter at station

You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 先週末、子供と電車を見に行く途中、外国人の友達に声をかけられた。When I was at Omiya Station with my son ...

A Family Day of Trains, Ramen, and Fireworks

You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 最近行けてなかったけど、今日は、いつも通り、午前中は子供と電車を見てきた。午前中は、家族との時間にあてられたので、とてもいい感じ。Althoug...

Hot Pot with a Sumo Wrestler

You can hear the voice recording for the diary. リベ会、相撲部屋のちゃんこ鍋を食べるオフ会に参加してきた。I attended a meet-up to eat hot pot made by...

Dinner with a Friend Who Inspires Me

You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 今日はリベ友と晩ごはんをいっしょに食べてきた。I had dinner with my friend from Libe City. 実際に会う...

Refreshing Work-from-Home Day

You can hear the voice recording for the diary. 久しぶりのリモートワーク。おそらく1か月以上ぶり。This was my first time working from home in a w...