コロナ禍でのUber Eats

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.


友人でお店を経営している人からUber Eatsのために違う街から来ている人の話しを聞いた。

One of my friends, who owns a shop and is a deliverer of Uber Eats told me that he has a friend coming from another city.



His friend puts his bike on the car and parks the car in a parking lot. After that, he starts to deliver food as his side-hustle.



He said that he has to do that because of the COVID-19. In my case, I’m on paternity leave and nothing has changed in my life.



However, I would like to say that I did my best before the COVID-19 situation.



I went and worked in Egypt and left my wife in Japan. I’m proud of that.



So, I want to save all the fun stuff till the end.



I wish I am happier when I’m 40.


To be continued.



