Overindulgence and Regret: Why I Should Cut Down on Parties

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I had drinks with two of my colleagues for team building.



Since I knew I’d be drinking tonight, I had breakfast at home, skipped lunch, and attended the party. We went to a famous Chinese restaurant in Yaesu.



We ordered from the à la carte menu and talked about both work and our families. We had more food than drinks, including large gyoza, stir-fried dishes, and two types of noodles. I actually ate too much.



On my way home on the Shinkansen, I almost threw up, so I just sat in my seat the entire journey.



At the station before my stop, I wanted to get some water, but I couldn’t because I felt like I might throw up. Even though I always remind myself to eat less before parties, I always fail to keep that promise. If that’s the case, I should just reduce the number of parties I attend.



To be continued.


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