Dealer Disappointment: High GT-R Repair Costs and Poor Service

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I went to a Nissan car dealer with my son to check on the repair for the side skirt that I scratched before.



As expected, there is no option for repair other than replacement. The replacement cost is 800,000 yen, including labor, and they have no idea about the delivery date for the replacement parts.



So, I’ll keep driving my GT-R without repair until it’s time to sell the car.



Fortunately, the scratched area is under the skirt, and it’s only noticeable if you look carefully.



Anyway, I felt disappointed with the car dealer. There was no VIP room, which I had heard about, the support from the sales representative was really poor, and there were no toys for kids. I realized that I don’t want to deal with car dealers anymore. Owning a car doesn’t seem worth it with such poor experiences, including the running costs.



To be continued.


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