Sauna Bliss: Exploring the Cold Bath Experience

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I had an exhilarating sauna session today after spending the entire day outdoors for year-end greetings.



Despite feeling full beforehand, as is usual for me, the sauna temperature remained as hot as ever. Given the day’s work, my body had cooled down more than usual, so I lingered in the sauna longer than my typical sessions. Eventually, I ventured into the cold bath. Surprisingly, the water was about 1 degree Celsius cooler than usual, and its freezing chill helped relieve my stress. Within a minute, my hands and feet went numb in the cold water.



I firmly believe the colder the water, the more invigorating the cold bath at the sauna. I aim to experience an even colder bath, perhaps below 10 degrees Celsius, in the future.



Despite any dissatisfaction I might have felt earlier, I’m now content with the cold bath experience in the city where my project is based. I’ll continue to wish for the best bath experience when I’m unable to find satisfaction elsewhere.



To be continued.


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