Dinner with Colleagues at the Sendai Office

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I stopped by the Liberal Arts City Sendai Office on my way home from a business trip.



Visiting the office is one of the highlights of my business trips. On this occasion, I managed to catch an earlier train than originally planned, which allowed me to spend more time at the office.



When I arrived at the office, people who had been there during the day were engaged in lively conversations. After they left, there were only three of us remaining in the office.



Since we were already familiar with each other, I suggested that we go out for dinner while waiting for others to arrive in the evening. They accepted my offer, and we enjoyed a meal of beef tongue at a nearby restaurant.



Sharing a nice meal with good friends is always more enjoyable than dining alone. Plus, everyone I met at the Sendai Office was pleasant. We had a great time outside the office, and it was my first time spending leisure time with people from the Liberal Arts City. This experience yielded positive results, reinforcing my belief in the importance of taking on new challenges.



To be continued.


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