Consulting Firm Meeting: Navigating Land Negotiations and Project Progress

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I visited the consulting firm for land negotiations to provide an update on the outcomes of the previous week’s business trip.



They expressed surprise over my inability to obtain personal information about the district leaders and remarked on the peculiarities of the municipal setup. They suggested that we engage directly with landowners to expedite project progress, aligning with the advice from the municipal officer.



While we aspire for community centers to comprehend our situation and support us, the consultants cautioned that this might have a counterproductive impact on the municipal officers’ stance.



I concurred with the consultants’ perspective. Nonetheless, I intend to initiate my approach initially. There are various avenues and processes available for tackling this challenging project. Additionally, as an office worker, it’s imperative to adhere to the company’s directives and guidelines.



To be continued.


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