Exploring Educational Options: A Visit to an International Kindergarten

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



Congratulations on becoming a permanent employee! During my paid vacation, I went on a site tour to visit an international kindergarten.



This kindergarten is located far from the city area in my town, but it has larger buildings and playgrounds compared to other kindergartens we visited.



During the tour, I observed the children speaking English with foreign teachers, and I believe this kindergarten would be a great fit for my son.



However, our main concern is the distance from our apartment. Today, it took us 30 minutes to get there by car. If he takes the kindergarten bus, the commute time would be around an hour as they no longer pick up kindergarteners directly.



After discussing this with my wife, we decided not to apply for this kindergarten because the one-hour commute would be too long for our child. We have decided to apply to the kindergarten that is closest to our apartment.



To be continued.


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