Choosing to Work from Home Amidst Typhoon Threat

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



Due to the forecast of heavy rain associated with an approaching typhoon, I decided to work from home today.



However, during my lunch break, the rain subsided, so I took my usual walk.



On my way back, I came across a food stand selling delicious bread and thought of buying some for my wife and son. Unfortunately, the clerk informed me that they only accepted cash, and since I didn’t have any on me, I had to give up on the idea.


Later in the evening, I watched the news and learned that the Shinkansen service was suspended due to the heavy rain.



This made me appreciate my decision to work from home even more, as the thought of being caught in such circumstances sent a shudder down my spine. Working remotely has proven to be very advantageous for me, especially when it comes to avoiding long commutes and unexpected situations like these.



To be continued.


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