A Chat That Sparked Motivation

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



Today’s topic is about a conversation I had yesterday with a former colleague.



He mentioned that he is planning to change jobs. During our chat, he shared with me that the overseas department in his company will soon be shut down. If that’s the case, I think it makes sense for him to leave, as there wouldn’t be any reason to stay. If I were in his shoes, I would make the same decision.



Additionally, he told me something interesting: Doctors Without Borders has a system that allows staff to be transferred to assignments abroad with their families. I found this particularly appealing.



The ability to choose whether to bring my family to an overseas assignment is important, and it’s even more crucial that such a system actually exists in the organization. This new information has made me even more motivated.



However, living overseas tends to be more expensive than living in Japan, so I’m focusing on increasing my dividend income. In other words, having a reliable stream of dividend income is more important to me than just building up my total assets. I’m going to prioritize growing my dividends.



To be continued.


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