Lessons from the Lucky Bag: Evaluating True Value and Preferences

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I’ve bought the lucky bag from Gindako, a Takoyaki restaurant, twice now.



However, both times we ended up using the free coupons just before they expired. Reflecting on this, I realize that our family doesn’t actually like Takoyaki that much.



Because of this, I think it would be better for us to buy Takoyaki whenever we feel like it, rather than purchasing the lucky bag just because it seems like a good deal.



While the lucky bag might seem like a great value, only a few people truly benefit from it—and we’re not among them.



The lesson I’ve learned today is to visit the restaurant when we genuinely want to eat Takoyaki, rather than feeling pressured to use coupons before they expire.



To be continued.


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