A Performance-Based Bonus: Fuel for My FIRE Goals

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I heard something interesting from my colleagues about our performance bonus.



Unlike in Japanese companies, the bonus here is paid strictly based on individual performance. On the other hand, it’s possible to receive no bonus at all. Essentially, the amount of my bonus will depend entirely on my own achievements.



Although I received performance bonuses at my previous company, the amount was more influenced by the company’s performance than by individual performance. Therefore, I’m still adjusting to my current company’s bonus policy.



While I don’t want to set high expectations for the bonus, I’m going to focus on my work to earn as much of it as possible. If I receive a substantial bonus, it would be a significant step toward my FIRE goal.



I don’t expect to get the bonus consistently every year. This means that if I do receive it, the bonus will be fully allocated as capital for my stock investments.



To be continued.


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