Starting Fresh at My New Company

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



Finally, I started working at my new company this week.



Even though this is my fourth job change, I had some new experiences, such as beginning work during the paid vacation period from my last company and joining the new company through a referral.



Additionally, while working at the new office, which is in a shared space, I found and spoke with someone who had worked at our associated company. It’s quite a coincidence and reminds me how small the world really is.



Having a friend in the company has significantly reduced my mental stress. Normally, I would be very nervous on the first day at a new job.



Also, the new office is cleaner than my previous one, and I don’t need to take the subway to commute, which is very convenient. I hope this will be a company where I can work for a long time.



To be continued.


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