New Job, New Commute: Embracing the Shinkansen Commuter Pass

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I started working at my 4th company this week. Since working at the office every day is mandatory, I bought a Shinkansen commuter pass for the first time in a while and began commuting to the office using it.



Because I had been using the Shinkansen previously, it’s not a big change from my earlier commute. However, I no longer need to buy tickets every Saturday, which is a huge relief from that routine.



Honestly, buying tickets was a hassle. Even so, I chose to do it since buying tickets every day I went to the office was more economical, and I earned more points. However, now that I have to work at the office five days a week, the commuter pass is more reasonable, even considering the high points return rate.



With the pass, I can use non-reserved seats whenever I want, and I won’t need to buy an entrance ticket to my station to watch the trains with my son or work in the waiting room.



This means I will have some spare time, and I plan to use that time for my side hustles.



To be continued.


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