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Today’s topic is about surprising someone and demonstrating actual strength at the right moment, a lesson I learned from a female train conductor.
She switched her career from the apparel industry to the largest company in the railway industry to seek stability, which was the exact opposite of the decision I made.
We started chatting before arriving at the first station where we would get off. After that, she always kept up with me, like when I went to the first car of the cruise train to take pictures.
しかし、そんな彼女が姨捨駅では乗車せず、宿舎での泊りだったこと。それを聞いてなかったわたしは、ホントに驚いた。翌日、塩山駅で再会した時はとても嬉しかったので、その後はいっしょに写真撮影をお願いした。そして、Farewell partyの最後を締めくくる挨拶を担当され、バッチリこなしてくれた!
However, she got off the train at Obasute Station because she had to stay in the dormitory near the station. I was really surprised when I saw her on the platform because she hadn’t mentioned it. The next day, I was pleased to see her again at Enzan Station and asked her to take pictures with me. In the end, she was in charge of the farewell greeting for the tour, and her speech was awesome.
Even though some attendees, including me, had high expectations for her before the farewell party, she managed her task perfectly, and I felt her potential. I won’t forget her spirit—that she can get things done when she has to.
To be continued.