Extending New Year’s Greetings and Planning for Educational Sessions

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



It was the final day of my business trip to the project site, and the landscape was transformed into a snow-covered world due to overnight snowfall.



Given the conditions, I decided not to venture into the mountains and instead visited stakeholders residing in the urban area to extend New Year’s greetings. During a conversation with a teacher friend last night, I learned that his school is currently finalizing the education curriculum for the upcoming fiscal year. With this in mind, I visited his school today to express our readiness to organize the session, just like last year.



Although I’m unsure whether I’ll be able to attend the session this year, I am eager to organize it if I remain with the current company.



It feels wasteful to break relationships with teachers for just a year. Instead, I would find it fulfilling if organizing the session could contribute to my professional development in my current role. I need to carefully consider the timing for this.



On a different note, I was impressed by the female principal’s new haircut. I couldn’t help but envy her ability to change her appearance with a simple haircut, especially when it enhances her beauty.



To be continued.


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