Redefining Efficiency: Balancing Work and Side Hustles

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I’ve been contemplating how to maximize efficiency in my main job during work hours.



One thing’s for sure: I’m no longer working overtime. Particularly at my current company, where there’s no incentive for it.



Even if I were to achieve outstanding results and earn more than my bosses anticipate, it would likely just cover the costs of my less productive colleagues, with no repercussions for the company’s delays. So, I’ve decided to proceed with my projects at my own pace.



Now, what to do with the spare time? Well, that’s where my side hustles and networking with the members of the Liberal Arts City.



I plan to visit their offices to build stronger relationships as much as possible. I’ve found that each visit is not only an opportunity to gather useful information but also to engage in productive conversations. Plus, I’m confident that frequent visits will foster stronger connections.



To be continued.


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