Reflecting on Last Year’s Trading: Organizing Stocks and Planning for the Future

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



Since I received the trading report for last year from the security company, I input my income and expenditure in the format for the tax return.



Even though I haven’t gotten used to seeing the tax return request form, it seems that I’m able to offset all the following red by the income of this year.



This means that I’m able to organize my brand of the stocks. I’m going to release the stock which becomes an unrealized loss, and the money will be used for the next stock.



Although I will be temporarily in the red as a lesson fee, I will be able to offset it by the upcoming dividends. It’s not a problem.



I took some detours, but I was able to learn which ETFs are classic. I believe that I took the same path as others.



To be continued.


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