Financial Discipline for the New Year: Cutting Down on Lunches and Alcohol Consumption

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



This year’s target is to have lunch on weekdays once or less per week.



Despite significantly increasing my annual income, I’ve also raised expenses on lunch and coffee during office hours. Therefore, I plan to cut down on these expenses.



Reducing the frequency of lunches will encourage me to take more walks, ensuring I don’t fall short of my walking goals as I did last year.



Additionally, I aim to cut down on alcohol consumption. Time is as valuable as money on my journey toward Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE). To create more free time for activities beyond my main job, I’ve decided to make certain changes.



As a first step, I’ll avoid drinking with colleagues and reserve those moments for trusted individuals with whom I can truly enjoy my time. This includes sauna members from my project site, people from the Liberal Arts City, and my close friends.



To be continued.


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