Fostering Connections and Exploring Opportunities in the City

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



Building upon the encounter yesterday, I adjusted my plans for today. In an effort to strengthen the connection established during yesterday’s meeting, I visited their office to extend my greetings.



Both the president of the construction company and the city officer were at work, and I had the opportunity to engage in conversations with each of them and exchange business cards.



While their demeanor was somewhat different from our encounter at the sauna, I felt a greater sense of familiarity compared to my initial meetings with others. It became evident to me that I can expand my network of stakeholders within the city.



Following this, I proceeded to visit the community center and the residence of the district leader in hopes of obtaining information about other leaders I was not yet acquainted with. Unfortunately, I was unable to gather the desired information, as it fell outside their respective areas of responsibility. Sometimes, things don’t always go as planned, and that’s understandable.



Before heading back, I made a stop at an old folk house café near the community center. This historical house, constructed over 100 years ago, lacked modern amenities like air conditioning. Nevertheless, I decided to enjoy lunch at the café.



To be continued.


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