Leveraging Technology and Preparing for Community Engagement

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I created a presentation to explain our project and address questions related to renewable energy power plants for the landowners.



Despite working at the development company, I felt frustrated due to the lack of existing documents on this topic. I decided to create the presentation in preparation for an upcoming business trip and to enhance my knowledge. Fortunately, I had some spare time today to work on it.


資料を作る中で、Chat GPTも活用し、想定問答集を作ったり、必要な情報を集めたりと、大活躍であった。

While developing the presentation and compiling the questions and answers, I used Chat GPT to generate ideas and gather the necessary information. Chat GPT has proven to be a highly useful tool in this regard.



In fact, I found it more helpful than seeking assistance from my colleagues within the company.



During the upcoming business trip, I am eager to network with local residents and establish connections within the community.



To be continued.


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