Preparing for an Independent Business Trip: Navigating Stakeholder Advice and Self-Reliance

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I have been preparing for an upcoming business trip next week.



While scheduling this trip last week, some of my stakeholders provided advice, suggesting that I should avoid visiting the leaders and landowners’ homes during the Obon period. Consequently, I rescheduled those visits to take place after the Obon period.



To minimize interactions with stakeholders during the trip, I am planning to focus solely on visiting the locations of the wind turbines and confirming the connection points to the grid.



If I were on this business trip alone, I would have more flexibility. However, since I am traveling with my senior, I am slightly concerned about this approach. Nonetheless, I believe this is an opportunity for me to go on a business trip independently, which will help me become more self-reliant.



This is a good timing as I won’t be relying heavily on my colleagues, and I will have the freedom to pursue what I need not only for this project but also for my future freelancing endeavors.



To be continued.


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