Navigating Municipal Connections: Insights from a Friend in the City Office

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I reached out to a friend from my junior high school days who works at the city office in our town.



Building connections with municipal office staff is crucial for my main job, and I believe it’s essential to understand the environment. So, as a starting point, I had a conversation with my friend, who possesses a deep understanding of the culture and atmosphere within municipal offices. Despite the gap in our communication, she graciously answered my questions and offered valuable insights.



She provided a glimpse into the current state of affairs, which closely resembled the typical workings of municipal offices. One revelation that surprised me was the recent shift towards digitalization within their office.



This insight shed light on why municipal employees seemed cautious when I used my laptop to take notes. As a response, I’ve decided to obtain permission in advance before using my laptop in interactions with both municipal and local personnel. Additionally, she suggested adding the recipient’s name to the email subject when sending emails to their public address. This was an idea I hadn’t considered due to my limited experience with shared email addresses. I intend to apply her advice going forward.



In essence, this situation reminds me of the principle: “If you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.”



To be continued.


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