Diary App Dilemma: Navigating Technical Challenges and Data Security

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I encountered an issue when trying to log in to my diary app while I was at the station after my sauna session, preparing to work on my side hustles.



This problem severely limited my activities during that time, leaving me with only the option to edit my diary entries stored in a memo app. Today, I had the advantage of arriving at the station earlier than usual due to an early morning wake-up. I had intended to use this time to upload my pending diaries to my blog. Unfortunately, this plan fell through.



This incident prompted me to realize the importance of regular backups.


アプリだけに頼って万が一、ログインできないとなると、全てを失うことになってしまう。これまで通りにGoogle Documentに保存しておくなどの対策を考える必要がある。

Currently, I solely rely on the app for my diary entries, and the potential loss of all that data in case of an app issue or login trouble is concerning. To mitigate this, I am considering strategies such as copying my diary entries to Google Documents.



Despite my efforts, today turned out to be unproductive due to these technical challenges. I’m hopeful for a prompt resolution to this issue.



To be continued.


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