Building Bonds Beyond Borders: Insights from a Project Management Study Session in Kyoto

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I participated in a project management study session held in Kyoto.



It was a delightful experience, especially since this session was held in-person as I had anticipated. We not only engaged in the session but also had lunch together, allowing us to connect on a personal level as well.



As most attendees hailed from the Kansai region, they were quite surprised that I traveled from the Kanto region, a journey of around 2 hours by Shinkansen. Truthfully, I held a similar viewpoint until this trip.



However, after interacting with the people at Libecity and hearing their perspectives, I realized the significance of visiting locations to meet people. This experience reinforced my belief that my decision to attend was indeed the right one.



Although I made this journey alone, I am considering bringing my family along for future trips. This would enable me to utilize my time and resources more efficiently. This concept has now become my new objective.



To be continued.


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