Rediscovering Warmth and Connection: A Visit to the Sendai Branch Office

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I made a stop at the Sendai Branch of the liberal arts city office on my way back home from a business trip.



Despite not having positive results from the trip for my main job, I was feeling tired and uncertain about visiting the office.



However, I’m absolutely glad that I did visit. Reflecting on it, I’ve always felt happy when I go to the liberal arts city office. The atmosphere there is warm and welcoming, and it seems to be created by chance, bringing together people who can easily get along with one another.



Although I had to leave the Branch early to catch my Shinkansen back home, the people there came to the entrance to see me off. This small act of kindness meant a lot to me.



Unlike my experience of eating a lunchbox on the Shinkansen while heading to the Branch, my mood changed completely after leaving the office. I realized the value of such courteous gestures and the importance of networking. On a related note, I received an invitation for drinks with my colleagues in 2 weeks during my lunch break. However, I feel that I cannot truly relax with my current colleagues. Therefore, I have decided to decline the invitation.



To be continued.


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