Exploring New Substation Locations: Valuable Insights and Collaboration Potential

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I went on a business trip to search for new substation locations after restarting the process following discussions with the electricity power company.



During today’s site survey, we were joined by a representative from the consulting firm we met last week, as well as existing stakeholders. Although we haven’t finalized a contract with the firm yet, he kindly participated in the site visit, and it turned out to be very productive. I learned a lot from him.



Firstly, he showed us how to determine potential substation locations through desktop studies and how to assess the transmission towers for connecting our power lines.



The most valuable lesson I gained was about project execution. While our team members are optimistic, he takes a more cautious approach. He emphasized the importance of negotiating with landowners, stating that the success of the project hinges on how we initiate these conversations.



From my perspective, I really hope to collaborate with him. I want to witness his techniques firsthand and tap into his knowledge and expertise.



To be continued.


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