Presenting Substation Layouts and Crafting a Compelling Message

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



During the regular project meeting, I presented the substation layouts I had created over the past two days.



The layouts clearly depicted the location and dimensions, which received a positive reaction from my colleagues and gained approval for the next step.



Now, my focus is on creating the presentation for the electricity company. Fortunately, I can utilize the materials from today’s meeting by adding explanations, so the main task is to create a cover letter.



I aim to submit the materials as soon as I have a simple one prepared.


でないと、仕事が進まない。なんとしても、電力会社からいい返事を引き出すために、メール文書はまたChat GPTに作ってもらう。

Without receiving a positive response from the electricity company, I won’t be able to move forward with the project. Therefore, I plan to leverage Chat GPT to help me craft the email sentences and ensure a compelling message.



To be continued.


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です