Finding Suitable Places Was So Challenging

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I recently went on a business trip with my colleague to search for a potential site for a new substation.



In the morning, we conducted a one-month check on our metmast and confirmed that the sensors and datalogger were functioning properly.



In the afternoon, we collaborated with our affiliated company to search for new sites for the substations. Unfortunately, the location I had initially considered for the substation did not meet our requirements. We encountered obstacles such as difficulties in securing the land and the substation being too close to the transmission line tower, making it challenging to connect to the grid. It was not an ideal match.



However, during the search, we did find two locations that were proposed by our affiliated company. Nevertheless, even these two locations had some issues that needed to be addressed. I didn’t anticipate that finding a suitable place for the substation would be so challenging.



Moving forward, after confirming the availability of landowners, there will be fewer opportunities to find the perfect location. Today’s site search taught me about the difficulties involved in this process.



To be continued.


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