Utilizing Chat GPT More Efficiently

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いつものプロジェクトマネジメントの勉強会の中で、Chat GPTの使い方を教えてもらった。

I learned some effective techniques for utilizing Chat GPT more efficiently during our monthly project management study session.


英語で検索してもらって日本語で出力するように指示する、Chat GPTにより詳細な条件をインプットしてあげると、より多くの情報を検索してアウトプットしてくれるらしい。

To obtain accurate information, I was advised to ask questions in English and then have Chat GPT provide answers in Japanese. This method allows for better search results. Additionally, I can input specific details using bullet points or frame my questions as if I were explaining the topic to junior high school students.



Since I don’t have colleagues in my company who extensively use Chat GPT, these opportunities to learn and explore new features are highly beneficial for me. I’m eager to incorporate these new techniques and stay updated with the latest trends.



To be continued.


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