Beneficial Usage for 1,000 Yen

You can hear the voice recording for the diary.



I watched an interesting video on YouTube which explained a beneficial usage for 1,000 yen. It says to walk to the station which costs 1,000 yen for a one-way ticket as the outward trip and get on the train to return to your home as the return trip.



As I imagined having a big meal at a reasonable restaurant or something, the answer was completely unexpected.



I looked up the distance in my case and am able to go to the station which is 50 km far from my house. So, it would be unachievable.



Conversely, even though I go for a walk as far as I can, I’m able to come back to my station within the budget.



I want to give it a try to see how far I can go.



To be continued.


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